OCR Output


XXII. Pinocchio Discovers the Robbers, and as a Reward
for His Fidelity is Set at Liberty.................

XXIII. Pinocchio Mourns the Death of the Beautiful Child
with the Blue Hair. He then Meets with a Pigeon
who Flies with Him to the Seashore, and There He
Throws Himself into the Water to go to the Assist¬
ance ol His Father Geppette. iis. oe ae

XXIV. Pinocchio Arrives at the Island of the “‘Industrious
Bees,” and Finds the Fairy Again...............

XXV. Pinocchio Promises the Fairy to be Good and Studious,
for He is Quite Sick of Being a Puppet and Wishes
to Become an Exemplary Boy...................

XXVI. Pinocchio Accompanies His Schoolfellows to the Sea¬
shore to see the Terrible Dog-fish................

XXVII. Great Fight Between Pinocchio and His Companions.

One of Them is Wounded, and Pinocchio is Arrested
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XXVIII. Pinocchio is in Danger of Being Fried in a Frying-pan
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XXIX. He Returns to the Fairy’s House. She Promises Him
that the Following Day He Shall Cease to be a
Puppet and Shall Become a Boy. Grand Breakfast
of Coffee and Milk to Celebrate this Great Event..

XXX. Pinocchio, Instead of Becoming a Boy, Starts Secretly
with His Friend Candlewick for the “Land of

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XXXI. After Five Months’ Residence in the Land of Cocagne,
Pinocchio, to His Great Astonishment, Grows a
Beautiful Pair of Donkey’s Ears, and He Becomes
a Little Donkey; Tail‘and: Alli.) 2228 fae Lo

XXXII. Pinocchio Gets Donkey’s Ears; and Then He Becomes
a Real Little Donkey and Begins to Bray........