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tended not to see, and continued his labours.
After the mouth he fashioned the chin, then
the throat, then the shoulders, the stomach, the
arms and the hands.

The hands were scarcely finished when
Geppetto felt his wig snatched from his head.
He turned round, and what did he see? He
saw his yellow wig in the puppet s hand.

_“ Pinocchio! . . . Give me back my wig
instantly! "

But Pinocchio, instead of returning it, put
it on his own head, and was in consequence
nearly smothered.

Geppetto at this insolent and derisive be¬
haviour felt sadder and more melancholy than
he had ever been in his life before; and turning
to Pinocchio he said to him:

" You young rascal! You are not yet com¬
pleted, and you are already beginning to show
want of respect to your father! ‘That is bad,
my boy, very bad! "

And he dried a tear.

The legs and the feet remained to be done.

When Geppetto had finished the feet he
received a kick on the point of his nose.

“1 deserve it!” he said to himself; “I
should have thought of it sooner! Now it is
too late!”

He then took the puppet under the arms